Jamaican by birth, American by citizenship.

Barely Brainiacs is a lifestyle blog for people who know that they don’t know it all.


Akayla Reynolds

Reniece Baker

Fitness Update Week #1

Fitness Update Week #1


Monday, June 10th 2019

Today was my first workout. For some reason, I’m still  fat.  Ya’ll, I THOUGHT I was strong but those 6 weak, shaky push-ups I did told me differently. I worked out for 30 minutes in my home using a fitness app to track time and organize my exercises. I did some stretches and some light core + arms. Honestly, I was just taking it easy because I have had so many injuries in the past from doing too much at the gym. What my body can do and what my brain thinks it can do, rarely match up. Resulting in some nasty injuries that I feel to this DAY! I will be feeling it in the morning.

Sunday, June 16th 2019

I did indeed feel it in the morning, and in the afternoon, and in the evening. My thighs have since recovered but my entire body was sore. Fitness is definitely a mental decision. There are days when I have to tear myself away from my bed but that is to be expected. Also, I really really like food. I eat my feelings. Happy, Sad, Sleepy, and Mad. There is a meal or snack for every occasion if you try and trust me I try VERY HARD.

I did a cardio class today. Working out on a Sunday is so weird, but I gave myself back to back rest days and I had to get my 4 days in. I used to do this class during Fall and Spring semester, and I really was surprised at how much easier it was for me to do this class today.

Goals For Upcoming Week:

  • Stick to workout schedule of Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday (Maybe Saturday)

  • Increase home workout time from 30 mins to 45 mins


Tuesday, June 11th 2019

So I had a late start to my fitness journey due to work but I am holding myself accountable. I worked out twice today and I am TIREDT. It was a thousand times harder than I thought it would be considering that it is a beginner workout routine that I would have been able to do easily three months ago. I started with some basic stretches before diving into the workout plan, I had to do easy push ups because my arms are like spaghetti noodles but I did make it to ten. It is disappointing what my body is able to currently handle compared to what I could do when I was consistently working out but I just have to take baby steps to get back to that point.

Friday, June 14th 2019

Today, Akayla and I had a team workout. We worked mostly on arms and abs with a lot of stretching (we are both still very sore). It was nice being back in the gym and even though my arms and my abs are the weakest points on my body, I definitely pushed myself and my body as hard as possible. I might have even pulled a muscle in my back :-(  but I will persevere.

Goals For Upcoming Week:

  • Increase workout schedule to a consistent 3 days a week with at least 2 days in the gym.

  • Eat healthier and no fast food

A/N: We are so thankful for the positive response to our Self-Care Summer or as we like to call it our Hot Girl Activities. Please keep commenting and participating with us! It really motivates us to keep going, knowing that you guys are in our corner.

Follow us @barelybrainiacs on every social media for updates and videos of us struggling in the gym. We’ll get better… lol some day.

Fitness Update Week #2

Fitness Update Week #2

Wi Deh Yah! (Here We Are!)