Jamaican by birth, American by citizenship.

Barely Brainiacs is a lifestyle blog for people who know that they don’t know it all.


Akayla Reynolds

Reniece Baker

BYOB and A Shot For Me: Dear Santa, I know you have not been listening to me.

BYOB and A Shot For Me: Dear Santa, I know you have not been listening to me.

Crack open that spiked eggnog, we gotta talk ya’ll.

Day 5, staying alive. Lol I hope! I want to thank you guys for riding with us this far into our 12 days of Brainiac Blogmas. We appreciate all your support! We’re sure we have a holiday post for everyone, so if you wanna check out the complete list then just click HERE.

Welcome to Day 5 of Blogmas. This program is called BYOB and A Shot For Me and I am your humble host Akayla. Today, we are having two signature Christmas drinks. One is eggnog enhanced with a few shots of Jack Daniels or Fireball Whiskey or even both. And a Jamaican favorite, Sorrel infused with some good ol’ Wray and Nephew.

Everybody grab your drinks and let’s get this show on the road.

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So, what I am complaining about today you ask?


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As far as I know, my mom has been swiping her Visa for my gifts for the last 22 years. However, if he was real then he’s pretty crappy at his job.

I’ve been a quintessential “Good Girl” from the moment I glided out of the womb. Respecting my elders, volunteering to help the less fortunate, doing well in school… all of that was light weight for me. I could really flex my angelic muscles if I needed to.

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So, I figure I have gained enough good girl clout to demand some things this Christmas from Mr. Claus.

Dear Santa,

I know you been lacking for these last 22 years but I have chosen 2019 to restore my faith in your limited skills and give you another chance. I haven’t fought anyone this year and honestly, I’ve turned the other cheek so much that now I have to be using my butt cheeks as extra real estate. So, I figure you owe me.

This Christmas I would like three simple things.

Numba 1: I want Future to stop having all these kids.

Lol I’m playing but do please consider that as the Black Twitter Christmas Miracle, if you have time.

Wish #1: Please stop the police from killing unarmed Black People in 2K Forever. (Yeah, we doing it like this.)

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I do not want to see another hashtag for as long as I live. I feel myself becoming numb to every single instance of injustice carried about against my race. I cannot keep up with the rage and sorrow I feel when I turn on the TV or scroll on Instagram and see another AVOIDABLE tragedy.

Wish #2: I want every single needy person to receive the adequate and necessary medical care in 2020.


Currently, I work in a pharmacy and the amount of people that come into the pharmacy without insurance (and sometimes with insurance) struggling to pay for their extremely expensive medication. I hate having to turn people away because they have enough to only pick up one of their life saving medications at a time. God placed us on Earth to give to the needy, not only during the holidays, but always.

And for my final wish, something personal.

Wish #3: I want every LAST person who does NOT give me the same energy to be removed out my life.


I am going to be 23 next year and I don’t know if I have time to waste to be chasing after friendships, relationships, or any kind ship in 2020. I wanna be Omarion’s level of unbothered. I know that I will have to continue to pour into people and sometimes I will not receive all the praise and thanks I would like but I am not chasing people who claim they want to be in my life anymore. Family, Friends, IDGAF.

Lastly, I hope you can finally come through for me, Santa. You’ve been MIA for a while, but unfortunately, I know that you’re not listening to me and don’t think you will start now.



P.S. If I were you Santa, I would really work on number 2 because the number of cookies you’ve been consuming over the years surely has introduced you to Type 2 Diabetes. I hope you can afford your insulin.

Thank you making it to the end of BYOB and A Shot For Me.

I am interested in hearing your ultimate Christmas wishes. Of course, they don’t have to be as grandiose as mine but we all have the right to dream and the courage to hope.

Tune in tomorrow for… something lol. We don’t even know yet but it’ll be fun.


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